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Handyman's Circular Saw Tools Orange
El. Bankininkystė, Grynais arba Visa - Mastercard
Nemokamas pristatymas užsakymams nuo 30€.
Suteikiame 14 dienų pinigų grąžinio garantiją
Handyman's Circular Saw Tools Orange
Another tool to add to his collection is sure to be a lot of fun for any toddler. The chance to play at imitating a household handyman, i.e. dad or grandpa, will certainly make the toddler feel responsible. Playing with the presented set will positively influence the child's development - their cleverness, logical thinking, creativity and manual skills.
The disc ball is red with elements of black, pressing the button on the handle, the disc starts to rotate. It is made of plastic, which is responsible for the low weight of the individual components. A great advantage of the toys is that they are sized to fit children's hands, making them much easier to use.
All you have to do is measure the distance and start cutting.
Dimensions of the saw:
18 cm x 17 cm x 9 cm
Package dimensions:
24 cm x 19 cm x 14 cm
This toy will be sensational for all kids aged 3 and over. The set is CE certified and complies with EN 71.